Over the next couple of weeks will most likely read in many
of the LinkedIn groups thoughts on creative ways to raise money. This is especially for those that
have a fiscal year-end on June 30. I read one such post just the other day and it got me
For many organizations this time of year means a laser beam
focus on the finish line and implementing strategy to squeeze as much as
possible out of their remaining prospects.

While it's true that opposites attract I imagine if a
restaurant only served what you didn't enjoy you
wouldn't go back let alone try
it to begin with.
I do wonder if the time to strategize the last minute gifts
is actually at the moment when someone makes their first gift. Is the rate
of return on our year end solicitations related to the quality of the first and
lasting impression we create when someone first supports our organization. What is the old saying about one chance? :-)
This summer a few friends and I are going to take a deep
dive into the business of designing donor experiences and what metrics are required to stay on top of in order to create lasting impressions.
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